No it didn't bother to say that I can't spell. That would be to mundane to warent this late night post. After all there are a lot of barb camps to be hit. When your troops has your food down to -1mil an hour it takes a lot of barbing to keep ahead of them. And I missed my morning session so was under a days food, and feel better when i have two days lee way.
And no it did not say I am way to attached to a silly computer game. after all it is just a bunch of 1 and 0. Again that would be to mundane to warnt this post. after all this is eat my barb time. Yes it might just be 1 and 0 but it is fun. even when my city gets sacked for no reason. (Yes it is a war came but we were not in a war just then so there was no reason for him to hit me 14 times. 1 or 2, but not 14.) Yes I know I am silly, but silly is fun.
Where was I? Oh yes the fortune cookie!
What It said was READ TO LIVE! Dose it get any better than that? I mean I have been a book worm since I was in the fourth grade, or was it the third? Years beyond count anyway. For that long books have spoken to my soal. Taken me places I would have no hope of going with out them. be it an untouched forest, a plague ridden city, the building of a cathedral that was completed long ago, or a battle in some war that never was, or that has long been added to history books. They have taken me to place so old that they live only in stories and fragments. Books let you see what might have been, what could be, and what was. With out books we would know so little of the world, and it if us. What a sad place the wold would be with out stories to show us the worlds that are beyond our powers to see.
Yes I know there is life outside of books to. Life I to often underrate, devalue. For it is from that life that the books come. Well in part. Books whether true or false are drawn from a mix of the stories and history all ready out there and the world that is lived in when they are written.
I know scolory books are supposed to be above influence. The whole pure history movement and all that. Sorry but it just is not possible. the person who writs, wrote, will write, them lives in a society that has certain ways of looking at the world. certain thing it views as right and certain things it views as wrong. Things that change over time, sometimes dramatically from one generation to next, sometimes slowly. But change they do. And as a part of that society, having been raised and educability in it shades how you see the wold. it can't be helped. It is there, often you are not even aware of it. but it IS there. and that shade will affect what you do. The way you tell the story. The way you look for truth, and in some ways the truth you find. had make no mistake you are telling a story, even if you are describing the way a cell reacts to a drug, you are telling a story. Even if you are solve a math problem, or coming up with a new answer for a physic. You are telling a story. And that will be shaded by what you all ready know, by what you have been taught. As for history. Well the winners right the books but there are two sides in every fight.
Oh I know there are those who have broken the laws of soiscity to tell a truth, and have paid for it. But they saw it inspite of the shade and no doubt the shade colerd how it was presented.
but that is more than enough of my pompous and silly ideas. For some reason Palto is ruining though my head with his "No man is wiser than he who knows he knows nothing"or something like that. but that is a even more selfish thing then my earlier writings, So I don't know where it came from, and should delete it. But that would not fit the spirit. So it will remain.
Talk about topic drift! this post has it in buckets. Sorry for that, but what can i say?
I had no idea where this was going to end up. I just meant to say that i was being told i was not reading enough lately, but went everywhere but there. Oh well. I will blame the time. (Oh and I am back to 36mil of food in my silly game. don't think I will hit much more before bed.)
Good night and good dreams imaginary reader.
May you have found something to think about somewhere in that jumble.