Monday, September 28, 2015

Living up to the blog title.

Just thought I would take a bit and say I am alive. A lot goes on and yet nothing goes on. You know how life goes. I was jut posting a bit of an idea on my other blog and saw how long it had been since I posted anything here. For all I have written a dozen posts in my head I never bothered to actually write them.
Which I agree sounds completely crazy, yet it is just me. I have this wild imposable heath care/Medicare idea I keep think about saying, but never do because I know it is silly. It would never fly and would be to ridicules to even be looked at. For all something needs to be done. There needs to be some way better then this. Better then the system that makes you dependent on it as it steals. But enough of that whining. Forgive me, I didn't come here to rant. No one needs to hear that old saw. Yet now you can see why they were never written. I get to wrapped up in the idea for all it is foolish.
still a way to pay back the help help, and a way to see it was truly help up would be a benefit to everyone one. Not all can do it alone, for all it seems that idea goes against the grain. Why can there be a way to offer medical and educational job training, real training ending in placement, with a delayed charge. Not free, but paid back after completion. That is after the person is placed in a job with a s livable wage. Livable meaning enough to ensure housing food and other needs plus a bit above that. It would very by location of course, as cost of live does, but truly it should be possible to see they have that and once they do, once they can afford it. then you have them pay a small percent of each check for the help they had. That holds them accountable. If they fail to comply with the program do to their own actions and not for provable impairment, then they no longer qualify for goverment assistance. . granted it would  likely lead to a bit of a loss but it should be better then what we have now. Now then those found to be unfit to work, after the medical and physiologic evaluations that are .a part of the program would be fast tracked onto the the disability program. However this testing program cold help get those that are in the program but able to work out of it. Or it could, but it would mean a lot of over hulls and a large amount of cash to start it. There would have to be cost controls which would cause yelling of price fixing.
Like I said silly, but now I have written it down. Maybe it will leave for a bit, I need it to stop invading my sleep.
Well good dreams and thank you for reading this.