I opened this to post something but it has been driven from my mind,. So instead of what ever I had wanted to say I will just say here is a new entry.
It is all most Oct. witch means November and Nano is just around the corner. Soon I will be infected by novel madness. It comes on me yearly, and can be contagious, and is incurable, but not fatal. Thou it dose tend to lead to increased caffeine intake. And increased mumble and the midnight shouts of I got it, or that is it. Or grumbles about stupid plot holes and completes of about charter revolts. I can't wait. November maddens is like no other.
Even though I have no ideas and am worried that I will not find one. I can't wait.
Even though I dread the start I can't wait. I fear that the infection is all ready waking up. take the form of increased pointless blog posts. Aren't you glad that you are just an imagine reader.?
What is the point of this? I don't think there is one. unless it is to warn you to look for bits of unedited novel to appear here come Nov. unless I just leave those to myspace. but at this time I am thinking to put them in both places.
Good night and good dream Oh imaginary reader
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