Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Book Piracy

Hi all this is not my normal type on non-since, you will have to wait to find out why I sometimes think I am a BIV.  Today I want to talk about something that I think should be talked about more than it is. Something that few seem to even be aware of.  But yet it is a Thing, and it is not going away just because it is not news.  I know that my talking about wont matter, but at least there is one more voice out there. Even as tiny as mine is. After all a single drop of rain has little impact, but put enough of the them together and you get a flood.
I'm sure you have all heard of internet piracy, but then again it is best not to assume. So internet piracy is the label that has been given to the share of files on line. though torrents or other net works. It is what Napster was doing way back when.
I don't want to get into the whole right or wrong debate. but should note it is there. So here you go. there is an argument out there that share of files helps sales and the opposing view that it hurts them. There is the question about how this for of sharing differs of any other and that leads in to if any forum is right. There is the issues of how libraries and used stores fit into this. And then the ones who say the companies cause it. And a whole depet. but that is not what I want to take up time with. heck that would take a day on its own.
And when most here the internet piracy they think of downloading music or perhaps movies. Though by far I think most think of music first.  But the rise of e-books mean that book are now out there as well. There has been a few scanned books floating for some time, but most were poor quality, hard to read. Or so I understand. I know nothing of the early days of pricey. I do not know how ease it was to find songs. I am sure they took a good bit of time to download. But now it is a matter of seconds, a minuet at most, to have a book or an album transferred. Some sites say that you can have a library worth of books in less then the time it takes to make a pot of coffee.
I do not know how easy or hard it was to find the album you wanted but now the structure is in place. finding a book is as easy as typing in the name of it. I was shocked to learn. I had been here  bits about book piracy and the needs for writers to protect their work. But I had no idea just how easy it was to find the files. I didn't set out to find a book, I wanted to pricy one not download it. I had used Google to price check other things and so went to it. As I wanted this book in e forum I typed the title in and then add epub as I have a nook and it will read that format. The first results were sits offering a free download of the book. It would be easy to be fooled into thinking the sites had the rights to the items they were offering.  But this was a book i knew was not being offered for free. I wote it off as a fluke, it was a well know aouthor after all and went and posted something about how surprised I was on facebook and went on. But the fact I found it was there, so a few days latter I looked again and then googled a few other books. Clicked the links and found out just how easy it was.
Since then i have periodically googled book piracy just to see what was being said, and found that not much is. Not as much as I would expect there to be. Now if I goolge internet piracy I am more likely to find new links, but few of those talk about books. So I wanted to talk about books. but find that it is not so easy. There is to much to say and to litlle time.
But I must say I do hope that the person who said that there was no talk of books was because no one read was worng. Now I must go, but there is more to say so this will likly come up again.
Good night imaginary reader.

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