Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Winter is close. Time to curl up under the blankets and read. Wail sipping hot coco and waiting for the snow to fall. (Mustn’t forget the hot drink.) Surprising how fast the time goes buy, and yet how slow. Soon ghosts and goblins will be running the road and nanoers around the glob will be waiting for midnight so they can set that first word on the page. Me, I tend to be up that late but tend to wait to writ tell after I have been to bed. But who knows I might start at midnight this year. Wonder who will hit 10k on the first day this year? Don’t worry about the ones with 50k on day one. Most of them never look at it again. 90% of the them are the ones that have to show you can just copy one word over and over, They don’t understand that all they are doing is cheating there selfs. It is sad, but can’t be helped. There are a few each year. They just do not understand what it is about. I feel sorry for them, what a sad place they be must be at.
Well, in case you didn’t get it. November is coming closer and that means Nanowrimo. Things are starting to fall into place. Names are coming to me, I am getting some more scenes playing in my head. But the setting still remains vague. And it still requires the over done princess in hiding. Though I have moved it away from the magical sword King Autherish image it had going. So that is a bit better.
It is still looking to be a tad to bloody though. Opening in fight and cycling though others, then settling down to talk in middle. Not what I am used to writing, and I am sure the fights will be more laughable than anything else. Still only the very opening will be put here. As it will be the only part that I will be putting here. I think that the fighting should be up to parents. So the first chapter will go only in my story blog. That is why it has a content warning on it,  so that I had a place to put the items that I thought need it. Another thing I like about lj. It lets you set the rating on each post. But I guess having two blogs works as well.
Sill I am not sure how this will play out. I fear it will come out to overdone to be readable. I love how it is happing in my head, but not so sure about how it will look on paper. More so as in my head I jumped to the middle and the big preparations, which I can’t do when writing. Oh well time will tell. Every word adds to experience.
The trick will be shutting this story down and moving to a new one as I writing this. It doesn’t work to well to be writing more then place in the story. But then that sounds odd. I do wonder if any understand that? Do others write in there heads all the time, or is it just anther of my oddities? Who knows, and dose it matter? After all it the difference that make us what we are.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well so much for daily. Don't you wonder how i mange during Nano? Writing a story is a lot easyer, once started, as the chars take ove and I do not have to fugguire out what to say.
But that is enough of that. like, unless you write stories, you find it hard to believe. Have no idea what I mean. Possible even if you do, for all are not the same. Some are able to control the story. but that is not me. I can only go along for the ride and hope it all works out.
So what have I been up to?
The same old. Oh I have read The Hunger Games it was a good read, went to fast though. I can't wait to get my hands on the second book. I hope it is as good, that the chars stay so real. There could have been more detail, and there are things I wish to see but like wont. But that is the case with any book. Where it goes it great but you wish you could know more about X even thought X was not important for the story. Or I should say I do, for after all I have no way of knowing how it is for others. I can not see inside them.
Nothing much to say. but felt the need to say it anyway.
Oh by the way you can post blank pages by hit enter at the wrong time. :) Don't know why you would want to, but interesting none the less.
night and good dreams
Imaginary Reader 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Witing, ideas. fights (with books, that is. )

Ug. I hate this time of year and I love it. It is time of year when I must come up with an idea that will carry me though November. Not that it will come out as planned. But It is nice to have an idea of what I am going to right. Some shape to fill. But finding an idea that will last a whole month is hard.
There are plenty of stories out there, don’t get me wrong. Come up with a story is easy. But find one that is good enough to write, that won’t peater out in a week or two. That is the hard part.
Well that and finding the title. But I managed to find a working title. But now to find a story that fits it. Backwards I know, but there you have it. Of course it is a working title. Such change as the story doses. (Reminds I need to get a better title on Echoes. The title is more for an end of world story than a reunion story. If that is the right word.) Still though the story idea is usually before the title.
I do have an idea that I have been toying with. But I just don’t know that it will work. For one thing only one characters has a name!  And that is the MC Elder brother, the oldest of the two that will play a role. And he doesn’t even come in for the first three, I think, chapters. His name is, of course, John. There is all ways a John running around for some reason.  Usually a Matt as well, but if there is a Matt here he has not spoke up yet.
Problem 2 it is anther sword welding female for the main. Ok So the last book she was not wielding a sword, just packing a lot of power. But still. It gets old. And on top of it it is a magic sword. And yes she is a mage and a princess. Those are things she dose her best to forget. But of course the story happens when she is forced to remember,.
And Like I said she has no name! That is a bit of a problem. Aside from the one charter only the Mec company she is with at the start has a name. The Dragons. The countries don’t have a name. Nothing.
I can tell you the bad guys don’t like to die. And were a simple on there necks. That might involve a serpent, or a vine. The only way to kill them is to remove their heads. Not an easy thing to do. Oh and MC, no name, thinks it a good idea to burn the bodies after wards. But who knows why.
 It is a mess!!!!!!!!!!!
But it is all I have. So some how I have got to get them to tell me some names.
Yes I know I am the write. But it will be better if they like the names. Believe me. They tend to revolt if they don’t like their names. Then they stop talking and the story dies. I know it sounds wrong. But it is the way it works.
As crazy as it sounds it is the chars that run the story. Not the writer. No matter what you think going in. It all goes out the window once the words hit the page. Oh the writer can guide it, and coral it a bit. But there are all ways things that you did not see until the hit the page.
This is a good thing. It means the story is alive. And it is alive stories that make good reading. Yes some of the things are unsay and will need to be cut. But others might be just the thing to fill in a plot hole. Or be better than you had planed. Let them come. Let the story go as it will.
The point to a first draft is to get the words down. Editing is for latter. If you get hung up on the editing as you write the story will die. Yes that are might need more detail, and that one less. But make a note and move on. Get the words down then fill in the gabs and remove the excess.  Do that and you will get someplace. It seems wrong, it sounds insane. But it works.
But above all what you must do is try. That’s all just try. Yes there will be a lot of false starts. A lot of dead ends and holes in the road. But If you want to wind you can’t stop. For once you have stopped it is next to imposable to start again.
Trust me.
And with that I end this.

good night and good dreams
Imaginary Reader. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

A rabmbel that ends up asking what truth is.

Am liking the new lay out. At last I can find underline. Ofocorse I am not talking about books just now, but still glad it is there.
Could talk about books, am liking it but. don't want to. in fact I was just going to past this and get to work, but got distracted again. going to be a long night at this rate.  
Ok so fist off Let me just say that I can’t believe it is October all ready. It sure doesn’t fell like it. But it is. So best get ready.
Now then I need to decide what to write about. I have things I should say, things I shouldn’t and things that are best said elsewhere. So what to say?
That is a load questing isn’t it . all most as loaded as ‘to be or not to be’ Both can mean so many things depending on when they are said, or thought. But then that is so of a lot of things. Context, surroundings, believes. All of these things play a role in our understanding of each other. We make judgments each day biased on these things.
Believe. That is a powerful thing. It has been the root of all wars. Each side believing it was right. And the winner declares what right is. The loser’s ideas are condemned to the history books, and his thinking gets shaded by the victor’s view of it.  That is what history is. That is how the world is formed. Might makes right.
But should it? Who knows. It is clear that there was a lot of bad things, ideas, that were stopped. Things that were best. But is that the case in all events. Who can say? What I know is we are where we are.
But that is going no where. The thing is I don’t want to say what I was going to. So I am righting a bunch of non-since. And should like just not post. But that did not happen as the post is here. But I need to stop the non-since.
What is True? How do we judge?
Well we know in about things in our life. Like where or not we ate a cookie before supper. Those kinds of things are easy to see what is truth and what is lie.  But when it moves to things beyond us it is all just a matter of guess work. We have to take the world of people who went before. Trust what they say. But remember that peoples perceptions are colored by the world they live in. There writings and believes will color the accounts, as well those of the ones that hand them on. Each generation changes a story a bit, changes the truth. According to it view of the world. And its beliefs. So How do we know what is true?
Answer is we can’t know, we can only believe. But the world is a big place and there are a lot of belief systems in it.  Each with its own way of looking. So what is right?
 Why can’t there be more than one way? Do we all have to follow the same path to be right?
I can not see why. After all we are all different. And there it is. I have said it now I can go on. Oh you don’t see it yet. Just give it time. Think about it. I just said that I believe there is no one way. Each person should be able to pick his are her way. What is right for me might not be right for u. And I think I will just leave it at that. I have been writing and erasing and writing for to long. I just can’t find the right words tonight.

good night and good dreams
imaginary reader.