Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well so much for daily. Don't you wonder how i mange during Nano? Writing a story is a lot easyer, once started, as the chars take ove and I do not have to fugguire out what to say.
But that is enough of that. like, unless you write stories, you find it hard to believe. Have no idea what I mean. Possible even if you do, for all are not the same. Some are able to control the story. but that is not me. I can only go along for the ride and hope it all works out.
So what have I been up to?
The same old. Oh I have read The Hunger Games it was a good read, went to fast though. I can't wait to get my hands on the second book. I hope it is as good, that the chars stay so real. There could have been more detail, and there are things I wish to see but like wont. But that is the case with any book. Where it goes it great but you wish you could know more about X even thought X was not important for the story. Or I should say I do, for after all I have no way of knowing how it is for others. I can not see inside them.
Nothing much to say. but felt the need to say it anyway.
Oh by the way you can post blank pages by hit enter at the wrong time. :) Don't know why you would want to, but interesting none the less.
night and good dreams
Imaginary Reader 

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